Gain the Edge: Top 5 Social Media Competitor Analysis Tools

Welcome to a discussion on the top 5 social media competitor analysis tools available in the market. As social media continues to dominate the digital landscape, it has become increasingly important for businesses to understand their competitors’ social media strategies. By analyzing their rivals’ social media presence, businesses can gather valuable insights and develop effective marketing strategies to stay ahead of the competition. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 social media competitor analysis tools that can help businesses gain a competitive edge in their industry.

1. Social Blade

Social Blade is a social media analytics and tracking tool that offers a wide range of features to help businesses monitor and analyze their social media performance. It offers a comprehensive set of tools for YouTube, Instagram, and Twitch, and is widely recognized as one of the most popular and effective social media analytics tools available in the market today.

Social Blade tool
Social Blade
  • Competitor analysis tool that allows businesses to compare their social media performance against their competitors
  • Real-time tracking of social media statistics such as followers, likes, views, and engagement
  • Customizable reports on social media performance that can be exported in a variety of formats
  • In-depth analysis of social media metrics to identify areas for improvement
  • Ability to see social media stats for any public profile

Social Blade Price :

FREE Version –  FREE with limited features
PAID Version – Start From $3.34/month (IF Pay Annually)

2. Phlanx

Phlanx is a social media competitor analysis tool that simplifies the process of competitor monitoring by allowing you to track and compare your competitors across platforms. It offers a platform-specific competition tracking feature, enabling businesses to evaluate the activeness of their competitors on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch.

Phalanx tool

With Phlanx, you can compare the engagement rate of different brands across multiple platforms. You can also analyze the content of each brand and obtain an engagement graph to gain insights into their social media strategy. The tool helps businesses stay on top of the competition by providing valuable metrics and data to improve their social media performance.

Phlanx Price :

FREE Version –  FREE Trial Available

PAID Version – Start From $39/month (IF Pay Annually)

3. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a robust platform that provides businesses with an advanced competition research tool. With this tool, businesses can gain insights into their competitors’ content performance by simply entering their domain. The tool tracks the most shared and trending content of competitors, making it easier for businesses to analyze their top-performing content.

BuzzSumo tool

BuzzSumo’s competition research tool also provides businesses with a comprehensive analysis of key metrics such as engagement rate, social shares, and backlinks, to help them stay ahead of the competition. By identifying their competitor’s strengths and weaknesses, businesses can refine their social media strategy, produce more engaging content, and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

BuzzSumo Price :

FREE Version –  30 Days Trial Available

PAID Version – Start From $95/month (IF Pay Annually)


FollowerWonk is a highly recommended tool for businesses looking to monitor and track their Twitter competitors. This tool is dedicated solely to Twitter and offers a range of features to help businesses gain insights into their competitor’s Twitter strategies.

FollowerWonk tool

By allowing businesses to compare Twitter accounts, FollowerWonk makes it easier to discover the strategies their competitors are using. The tool also offers the ability to track follower demographics, which can provide businesses with a better understanding of their audience.

In addition to tracking competitor strategies and follower demographics, FollowerWonk enables businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest Twitter trends. The tool provides valuable insights into what’s currently trending on the platform and what their competitors are tweeting about.

FollowerWonk Price :

FREE Version –  FREE For 1 Profile

PAID Version – Start From $29/month (IF Pay Annually)

5. Unbox Social

Unbox Social is a versatile social media analytics tool that provides businesses with a variety of features, including competition tracking. With Unbox Social’s competition tracking feature, businesses can monitor their competitor’s social media activity and gain insights into the kind of content that is resonating with their audience.

Unbox Social tool
Unbox Social

Furthermore, Unbox Social enables businesses to capture their share of voice in the industry by comparing their performance with that of their competitors. The tool allows businesses to monitor their social media metrics and interactions in real-time, providing valuable insights into their social media strategy’s effectiveness.

Unbox Social Price :

To know about the price you have to log in, Unbox Social team will reach out to you shortly.

Conclusion :

To gain a competitive edge in today’s market, businesses must stay up-to-date with their competitors’ social media strategies. The top 5 social media competitor analysis tools – Social Blade, Phlanx, BuzzSumo, FollowerWonk, and Unbox Social – offer businesses valuable insights into their competitors’ social media performance. By utilizing these tools, businesses can refine their social media strategy and achieve their marketing goals.


What is a competitor analysis tool?

By using a competitor analysis tool, you can keep track of your competitors’ strategies, analyze them, and learn from them.

Why is competitor analysis used?

Analyzing your competitors is important. It helps you understand what they are good at and what they are not good at and also helps you find a gap in the market. By doing this, you can improve your own business strategy.

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