5 Best LinkedIn Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Engagement

LinkedIn Marketing Tool

Feeling like your LinkedIn posts are disappearing into the abyss? You’re not alone. With millions of users vying for attention, grabbing eyeballs and sparking conversations can be tough. But here’s the good news: engagement is the key to success on LinkedIn. The more people interact with your content, the more your profile gets seen by potential leads and clients.

So, how do you break through the noise and turn passive scrollers into engaged followers? The answer lies in leveraging powerful marketing tools. These tools can help you streamline your workflow, create high-performing content, and personalize your interactions – all leading to skyrocketing engagement and ultimately, more leads.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 LinkedIn marketing tools designed to supercharge your engagement strategy. From scheduling posts to uncovering trending topics, these tools will equip you to become a LinkedIn rockstar.

Comparison of LinkedIn Marketing Tools :

ToolKey Features (Engagement)PricingBest Use Case
LinkedIn Lead Gen FormsCapture leads within contentFreeStreamline lead capture
ZoptoSchedule posts, social listening Starting at $157/moAutomate & optimize content
SendibleManage all social media in one placeStarting at $29/moUnified social media management
BuzzsumoFind trending topics & contentStarting at $199/moDiscover high-performing content
Crystal KnowsPersonality insights for connectionsStarting at $0/mo (Free paln)Personalize outreach & build relationships

1. LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms :

linkedin lead gen forms

Look no further than LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms! This free tool lets you capture leads directly within your LinkedIn posts. Here’s what it offers:

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms Features :

  • Pre-filled forms: Leverage LinkedIn profile data for faster and easier lead capture.
  • Seamless experience: No need for users to leave the LinkedIn platform, increasing form completion rates.
  • Targeted leads: Capture leads who are already interested in your content and offerings.

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms are a great way to streamline your lead capture process and generate more qualified leads directly from your LinkedIn content.

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms pricing :

It’s free.

2. Zopto :

 Zopto online tool

Feeling overwhelmed by managing your LinkedIn presence?
Zopto can be your secret weapon! This marketing automation tool streamlines your workflow and boosts engagement with features like:

Zopto Features :

  • Scheduling posts: Plan your content calendar in advance and free up time for other tasks.
  • Social listening: Track conversations and industry trends to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Content suggestions: Discover high-performing content to inspire your own LinkedIn strategy.

Zopto helps you stay organized, informed, and create content that resonates with your audience – all essential ingredients for skyrocketing engagement on LinkedIn.

Zopto pricing :

Basic Plan – $157/month

Pro Plan – $237/month

Agency & Enterprise Basic – $125/month

Agency & Enterprise Pro – $190/month

3. Sendible :


Juggling multiple social media platforms, including LinkedIn?
Sendible can be your game-changer! This all-in-one social media management tool helps you conquer your LinkedIn marketing goals with features like:

Sendible Features :

  • Unified platform: Manage your LinkedIn presence alongside other social channels like Twitter and Facebook, saving you time and effort.
  • Bulk scheduling: Schedule a month’s worth of LinkedIn posts in minutes, ensuring consistent content flow.
  • Collaboration tools: Get your team involved by assigning tasks and managing approvals directly within Sendible.

Sendible simplifies your social media workflow, empowers collaboration, and lets you focus on creating engaging content for your LinkedIn audience.

Sendible pricing :

Creator plan – $29/month

Traction plan – $89/month

White Label plan – $240/month

White Label+plan – $750/month

4. Buzzsumo :


Ever wonder what kind of content gets people buzzing on LinkedIn?
Buzzsumo can be your secret weapon for discovering high-performing content! This tool helps you crack the code on engagement with features like:

Buzzsumo Features :

  • Trending topic exploration: Find trending topics and keywords relevant to your industry, ensuring your content stays fresh and relevant.
  • Content analysis: Analyze top-performing LinkedIn content to understand what resonates with your audience.
  • Competitor research: See what kind of content your competitors are creating and use it as inspiration for your own strategy.

By leveraging Buzzsumo, you can create content that taps into current trends and sparks conversations, ultimately boosting your engagement on LinkedIn.

Buzzsumo pricing :

Content Creation plan – $199/month

PR & Comms plan – $299/month

Suite plan – $499/month

Enterprise plan – $999/month

5. Crystal knows:

crystal knows

Feeling like your outreach efforts fall flat on LinkedIn?
Crystal Knows can be your bridge to building stronger relationships! This communication tool unlocks valuable insights with features like:

Crystal Features :

  • Personality profiles: Gain insights into the communication styles of your connections, allowing for personalized outreach.
  • Actionable advice: Get suggestions on how to tailor your communication approach to each personality type, fostering better connections.
  • Relationship building: Build stronger relationships with your network by understanding their preferred communication styles.

Crystal Knows equips you to personalize your interactions on LinkedIn, leading to more meaningful conversations and ultimately, a more engaged network.

Crystal Knows pricing :

Free plan – $0/month (Limited Feature)

Premium plan – $49/month

Business and Enrichment plan – Request for demo

Conclusion: Level Up Your LinkedIn Engagement Game

The tools we’ve explored just scratch the surface of what’s possible with a strategic LinkedIn marketing approach. Remember, while these tools can be powerful allies, consistent, high-quality content and a well-defined content calendar are equally important. Don’t be afraid to experiment, track your results, and adjust your strategy as needed.

LinkedIn Marketing Tool FAQs :

Are LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms effective for all content types?

Lead Gen Forms work best with content that offers value in exchange for contact information, like ebooks, webinars, or exclusive reports.

Does Zopto offer any features specifically for LinkedIn engagement?

Yes! Zopto allows you to schedule posts directly to LinkedIn, track mentions and brand sentiment through social listening, and curate high-performing content to inspire your strategy.

Can I manage other social media platforms besides LinkedIn with Sendible?

Absolutely! Sendible is an all-in-one social media management tool, allowing you to schedule, analyze, and collaborate across platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more, alongside your LinkedIn efforts.

What kind of content insights does Buzzsumo offer for LinkedIn?

Buzzsumo helps you discover trending topics and hashtags specific to LinkedIn. You can also analyze top-performing LinkedIn content to understand what formats and themes resonate most with the audience.

I’m new to LinkedIn marketing. Where do I start?

Focus on building a strong profile! Optimize your headline and summary, showcase your experience, and actively engage with other users.

How often should I post on LinkedIn?

Consistency is key! Aim for at least 2-3 high-quality posts per week to stay visible in your audience’s feed. Try posting at different times throughout the week to see when you generate the most engagement, like comments, shares, and clicks.. Track your results and adjust your schedule as needed!

What kind of content performs well on LinkedIn?

Professional, informative content is king. Share industry insights, original research, thought leadership pieces, and engaging visuals like infographics or videos.

How can I get more people to see my LinkedIn posts?

Utilize relevant hashtags, participate in industry groups, and leverage LinkedIn advertising options for targeted reach.

I’m struggling to generate leads on LinkedIn. Any tips?

Offer valuable content in exchange for contact information, like downloadable guides or webinars. Run targeted lead gen campaigns with LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms.

Is LinkedIn a good platform for B2B or B2C marketing?

LinkedIn excels in B2B marketing, connecting professionals and businesses. However, B2C brands can leverage it to build brand awareness and connect with target audiences in specific industries.

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